Sunday, October 2, 2016

Politics Unusual

I am not very interested in the national presidential race, except as a cynical observer and a woman. It is way past time the US got past their ridiculous lack of trust for women and let Hillary lead, and I think she is already winning the election, because you can't get real news from the usual outlets. They always say the election is neck-and-neck, they always spin it as an exciting race to the finish. I really do not believe people are as ignorant and crazy as you might think if you watch TV or social media. People want safety and stability. They want progressive change. The stupid will not prevail. That said, you had better vote for the establishment, just because. We have to have a government and if you have forgotten that we all lost 25% of our wealth the last time Republicans were in power, that they looted and pillaged right to the last day, even trashing the White House offices in their meanness, then refresh your memory.

Hillary won't save us, just as Obama couldn't, but just as he pulled away the veil on racism, she will pull it on sexism. Bernie would have been attacked as he pulled the veil on anti-Semitism, but let's get this gender thing done. Good heavens. I would like to finish my life thinking that we got somewhere with this centuries-long process of seeing women as equals and hearing what we all have to say. The people are ready. The power-mongers may not be, but there is another reason why we need to support Hillary so she can help them get it.

I do prefer our local politics. Anyone (except a classic businessman of the archaic model perhaps) can see all that Kitty Piercy has done for our city and state. Her compassion and deep understanding of the needs and beliefs of human beings has held ground and helped thousands of people gain some purchase on living lives that empower them and meet their ideas of the "American Dream" on what's left of the commons. She works for the people in the ways the people want her to work. I have similar confidence in Lucy Vinis, and I am proud to say I know Emily Semple, who is running for the Ward One Council position, and I am placing that confidence in her as well.

It's about priorities, mostly. People over profits has always been my guide as I have navigated society since my political awakening in 1969 when I was in college in Washington DC. If you are a guy in a suit you have a few barriers to overcome with me before I will automatically trust you, anyway one less than if you are a woman in a suit. Of course this is not a clear gender division but I know as a woman that being a nurturer and supporter comes early in life and informs the ways we use power that simply do not become the experiences of all men the way they do for almost all women. There are lots of great compassionate men! I know many and have complete confidence in them for having found their compassionate and caring inner strengths, in many cases much more so than I have found my own. I'm not saying all women politicians are better than all men politicos. Sometimes it is so much easier for men in power that they can be super effective, but bringing that privilege as so many do is more of a detriment than an asset.

I don't know Emily's opponent and I'm not studying him very closely, but for the issues I'm passionate about right now, which are mostly about downtown developments and the future physical and emotional landscape of our city, I think Emily is going to align more closely with my values. There are no easy solutions to the real problems that are the subtext of the downtown development picture. We need people who really see people, understand their needs, and really care about inclusivity.

I wrote to Emily today to see if, in the midst of her last intense push to get elected next month, she and I can craft some statements or work out some knots in the Saturday Market positions on what is coming up for us in this Placemaking process about Open Spaces downtown. This is huge for Saturday Market and no politicians have asked me, as the head of our Task Force, what we are thinking, outside of the meetings of the Joint Elected Officials Task Force who are mostly working through our GM as our spokesperson. Our GM is doing her job, going to many meetings and giving the information about our organization that they want to know, but there is so much more to think and talk about than comes up at that type of meeting. Specific city and county staff have specific concerns related to their job descriptions, as does our GM. They ask and answer the questions that come up as they do their jobs, and while they encompass many or even most of the issues involved in making these plans, there are other levels of the conversations that sometimes don't come up. Some of the things are tricky to talk about. People can't always speak frankly in those situations, and assumptions are frequently made without time to check in on the details of them.

I see the bigger pictures of what is happening in our city, our lives, and our futures. We need Democrats in office because their values support human lives over the businesses of capitalism. Perhaps marginally so, in the cynical analysis, but much more so than what is Republican or right or transcends the political in forces like the Koch Bros, and the other anti-human corporations taking power from the people. People need progressive leadership to fight for our lives and those of our fellows, human and otherwise. Don't think this is not important. Your vote is a tiny tool but it is one you hold in your hand and must use. You have other tools, and if you are not too distracted working for survival and a little time off, you have your mind and heart to apply as well.

Vote for Emily. Vote for Hillary. Vote for Kate Brown. Let women lead. You've watched the Obamas. You've seen how Michelle has fought to be seen as beautiful, strong, supportive at the same time as being equally powerful, equally smart, and perfectly capable of leading and working together to change the national and world landscape of racism and power. Things are so bad right now because this is the last throes of the forces of exploitation and greed. We are winning these fights. We just don't believe in it. Believe in it. Put your whole heart there.

The people united will never be defeated. You know this. Act upon it.

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