It did rain, but not until around 5:00, which sent everyone scurrying out of the Market as fast as they could go. I can only go so fast, but everything was dry when I packed my tubs and it didn't rain really hard until I got home.
So I unloaded in a downpour, and got soaked, but none of my wares got wet, so all is well. And it has rained all night and all today, complete with losing the electricity and everything. So nice to get to be indoors.
Market was great, I got Willy's spot and sold a ton of hats. Here's a picture of my booth set-up, and two of the chain maille I mentioned in the previous entry. Lew was one of the people operating without a cover yesterday, and he was lucky. Too bad I took such blurry photos. Must have been the humidity.
I also took a picture of the world's best cape, a possession of great envy in my little neighborhood. She wears it every week as far as I can tell, and is not the only person who gets dressed up for the Market. I love seeing the little kids dressed as fairies and superheros, and remember fondly when I would have easily done that were I not a child in the fifties in a conservative place where we only got a certain kind of dress-ups, with high heels and Mom's old clothes, playing the limited roles open to women at that time. Going out in public dressed in wings and capes was just not done. So glad times have changed!
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